威雲科技成立於 2015 年春季,由一群熟悉電信、政府機關、醫療及企業等相關領域的資訊菁英組成,我們匯集了數十年的資訊基礎架構整合經驗,以直銷客戶建立實績,積極導入一流資安產品方案,輔以協銷通路模式,並跨界切入 OT 應用、智慧製造、法規遵循、5G 邊緣運算等次世代資訊需求,我們提供最佳的規劃建議與最優質的技術服務,期能創造與客戶、友商的雙贏局面,為資訊業界帶來一股新氣象。
威雲科技藉由專業職能與誠信提供客戶優質服務,本著雙贏理念努力追求與客戶、友商達成長遠的夥伴關係。威雲科技緊密地團隊合作,期許提供最佳的專業服務,並以共榮共利的合作夥伴平台創立運營團隊,誠信、專業、熱忱是我們共同的堅持 – 讓我們 T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) 在一起共創美好未來。
在 IT 資訊科技中,下一個總是迫在眉睫 >> 下一個需求、下一個威脅、下一個技術。結果,您的挑戰永無止境,同樣的我們也不能停下腳步。 從 IT 基礎架構交付、平台遷移,到雲端應用部署再到安全和治理需求,威雲科技與您一起幫助您解決最棘手的 IT 挑戰。
WeiCloud Technology started Spring of 2015. Our founding partners are experienced technology professionals with strong backgrounds in telecommunications, government, medical and corporate institutions. Together, the team has accumulated decades of information integration experience. In today’s IT industry market, clients are looking for the most advanced information security protection products tools that are supplemented with a cooperative sales channel.
WeiCloud Technology can provide IoT applications and smart manufacturing that serves regulatory compliance, 5G edge computing, and other advanced information applications. We proudly create the great solutions along with the great service that is a win-win situation for your partner and your team, which is exceptional in the industry.
We provide top-notch client service with passion, integrity, and the most advanced technologies. We strive for the success of our clients and to build long term partnerships. Our team works closely together to provide unparalleled professional service. As a TEAM, Together, Everyone Achieves More.
In Information Technology, the next big thing is always around the corner – the next demand, the next technology, the next threat. The challenges you will be facing in the future are always advancing, and so are we. From IT infrastructure deliveries and platform migrations to cloud deployments, security, and governance needs, WeiCloud Technology will work with you hand in hand to solve your most intricate and toughest IT challenges.
Cloud services have revolutionized the way businesses innovate and expedited innovations to the market. We build key technology infrastructure and integrated for each corporation. Our diverse applicable cloud services and products are built accordingly to the corporate’s database protection, disaster recovery, and development requirements.
Our products include: Quest / One Identity On Demand Solution, NetApp Data Mobility Solution, Azure Stack Edge Solution with value-added solutions. We aim for our clients to understand and fully utilize our value proposition, as we provide rock solid support in the information technology industry, CLOUD WITHOUT COMPROMISE.


擁有專業系統整合、軟體加值及技術支援團隊,可針對客戶的需求,提供客戶基礎設施即服務(Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS)之 IT 資訊平台;尤其於資訊架構虛擬化整合儲存備份備援相關技能具有非常專業之技術經驗,充份做到「同一廠商提供完整解決方案」。


針對各個資料保護應用層級需求,提供客戶系統及儲存相關應用加值,包含 HA 高可用性架構、DR 異地備份/備援等 Data Protection 關鍵系統資料保護機制,協助客戶建置儲存即服務應用平台(Storage as a Service, SaaS)。
Quest / One Identity
DELL / Oracle 認證
NetApp / Pure Storage / Hitachi Vantara 認證
Nutanix / VMware / Red Hat 認證
Cisco / HPE Aruba 認證
Stratus 認證
Veritas / VEEAM 認證
AWS / Microsoft (Azure) 認證
ISC2 SSCP / CC / PMP / ISO Lead Auditor 認證